Uveitis following COVID-19 vaccination: a case report and a literature review
Beyond Rheumatology 2022;
: e379
DOI: 10.53238/br_20223_379
Topic: COVID-19, Vaccination
Category: Case Report
Objective: This case-based review aims to list all the cases previously published in the literature about COVID-19 related to uveitis and to add a new case.
Materials and Methods: We searched articles about COVID-19 and uveitis.
Case presentation: A 51-year-old male patient with no previous chronic diseases received a diagnosis of AS in 2012 due to low back pain and recurrent uveitis. After he received his first dosage of the COVID-19 vaccine (Oxford-Astra-Zeneca, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) on Jun 17th, 2021 he experienced a new uveitis crisis (after 17 days) on his right eye, diagnosed by the ophthalmologist, which was characterized by a mild picture of light pain eyes, red eyes, and light sensation of a foreign body in the eye.
Results: A total of 86 patients are described, with the majority affected being male (52/86) and with a mean time to onset of uveitis symptoms after vaccination of 9.95 days. Patients with a history of uveitis accounted for 45% of the cases, while 18% had other previous diseases. The rate of patients who received drug treatment was 80%, while 89% corresponded to the patients who had a complete recovery.
Conclusions: This study reviewed all cases and adds one more case for uveitis after COVID-19 vaccine.
To cite this article
Uveitis following COVID-19 vaccination: a case report and a literature review
Beyond Rheumatology 2022;
: e379
DOI: 10.53238/br_20223_379
Publication History
Submission date: 07 Feb 2022
Revised on: 03 Mar 2022
Accepted on: 15 Mar 2022
Published online: 18 Jul 2022

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